Code & Circuit
Summer STEM Grades 3-8
An exhilarating 4-day experience that combines LEGO EV3 robotics, creative coding with Scratch 3.0, 3D printing design challenges, and other unique engineering projects.
These weeks fill up fast, so sign up today to avoid missing out.
Here's what you need to know:
• Monday - Thursday, 9AM - 2PM
• Weeks are divided by rising grade level, grades 3-5 and grades 5-8
• Register before March 1st for early-bird discount.
• Pack a lunch and water. Thursdays we celebrate with a pizza lunch!
• Program repeats weekly so we cannot recommend more than 1 week per summer.

The LEGO Mindstorm EV3 Intelligent Brick is a powerful computer that makes it possible to control motors and collect sensor feedback. Working in small groups of 2-3, kids are encouraged to brainstorm in order to find creative solutions to problems and then develop them through a process of selecting, building, testing, and evaluating.

Students will be introduced to the popular educational programming language known as Scratch, a product of MIT. With Scratch, we program interactive stories, games, and animations. We also use Scratch to control our LEGO robotics.
Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.

Discover the world of 3D printing! Dream up, design and print creations on our state of the art 3D printers.
We'll learn the ins and outs of the 3D printer, learn to design in Tinkercad, and they'll take home their very own printed object.

Students are encouraged to experiment, and combine what they've learned in new and exciting ways.
At Code & Circuit, we never stop finding cool ways to learn, introducing unique STEM project each summer. Student receive additional mentorship from our all-star high school and college interns.

All programs take place at our state of the art, comfortable, and accepting classroom in Amesbury center.
Since 2016, hundreds of students have enjoyed our summer STEM programs and many return each year.